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Showing posts from March, 2017

How to achieve success in Examination!

Taking exams and preparing for them can be stressful. Students can feel the pressure and they have difficulty producing work that affects their knowledge and abilities. The best way to get high marks on exam is to consider the entire length of your course as a pre-exam preparation period. Because courses can last a few months to a whole year, you may find it difficult to make the connection between your daily work, assignments and your final exam. Here are some essential tips that help you! Revision time table Schedule the time to study and sleep. Break revision periods into manageable chunks. Your ‘to do list’ Only include maximum of  7 items per day. Stay focused and don’t carry items over to the next day to complete. Take regular break For every 2 hours spent studying, you should take a break of about 20 minutes. These breaks should used to have a drink or eat snacks and chat to friends. It also important to take a break of around 3 or 4 hours each day to r